Leicester University asked Vertigo to design a display for the Palaeontology department based on the title of “Flying dinosaurs: the origin of birds”. A 6m long, young T-Rex fossil called ‘Jane’ provided the impact, with supporting models, lighting and graphics interpreting the story that the dinosaurs have never gone away – they are in fact, still all around you. The leaflet supported and complemented the new displays and was designed to raise the profile of the School of Palaeontology and promote the University to school leavers.
“The University is really delighted at the quality of design that Vertigo crafted for its long term Exhibition on ‘Flying dinosaurs’. The aim was to produce a scientific exhibit that would appeal at all levels – from a group of primary school children to the inquisitive academic specialist. At every stage the design brief was professionally executed and the result is a wonderful tableau enjoyed by the community at large.”
David Siveter, Professor of Palaeontology, University of Leicester
Design and build an inspiring exhibit